ББ-039: Анонимность на сетевом уровне: приложите одуванчик
- Evaluating User Privacy in Bitcoin
- An Analysis of Anonymity in the Bitcoin System
- Hiding the Rumor Source
- Evaluating User Privacy in Bitcoin
- An Analysis of Anonymity in Bitcoin Using P2P
Network Traffic - Deanonymisation of clients in Bitcoin P2P network
- Bitcoin over Tor isn’t a good idea
- Discovering Bitcoin’s Public Topology and Influential Nodes
- Anonymity Properties of the Bitcoin P2P Network
- Dandelion: Redesigning the Bitcoin Network for Anonymity
- Dandelion++: Lightweight Cryptocurrency Networking with Formal Anonymity Guarantees
- Dandelion — Privacy Enhancing Routing (BIP draft)
ББ-038: Zcon0 и Holochain
ББ-037: Crypto Valley Conference: сожжённые зерокойны и награда за полные узлы
- 2018 Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology
- A Scale-out Blockchain for Value Transfer with Spontaneous Sharding
- Burning Zerocoins for Fun and for Profit: A Cryptographic Denial-of-Spending Attack on the Zerocoin Protocol
- Zerocoin: C++ lib for anonymous extension to bitcoin
- pybitcointools (by Vitalik)
- Epicenter, episode 239: The K Framework
- Transaction Propagation on Permissionless Blockchains: Incentive and Routing Mechanisms
ББ-036: Два года The DAO
- The DAO, the white hat hacker group & Giveth with Griff
- Explaining the DAO exploit for beginners in Solidity
- Analysis of the DAO exploit
- TheDAO hack FAQ: How did the attack happen on 17 June 2016?
- Deconstructing theDAO Attack: A Brief Code Tour
- The White Hats and DAO Wars: Behind the Scenes
- How Coders Hacked Back to ‘Rescue’ $208 Million in Ethereum
- CRITICAL UPDATE Re: DAO Vulnerability
- Ethereum’s DAO Wars Soft Fork is a Potential DoS Vector
- Ethereum is Inherently Secure Against Censorship
- CoinDesk’s Most Influential People in Blockchain 2016
- IOHK: Ethereum Classic
- Thoughts on The DAO Hack
- ETC Went to EDCON (забыл упомянуть; ключевая цитата: «3 out of every 4 people agreed with ETC’s immutability stance but felt there simply was more opportunity on the ETH side»)
ББ-035: Атаки 51% и запуск EOS
- Blockchain’s Once-Feared 51% Attack Is Now Becoming Regular
- PoW 51% Attack Cost
- The Verge Hack, Explained
- Deanonymisation of clients in Bitcoin P2P network (Section 8)
- EOS.IO Technical White Paper v2
- https://twitter.com/panekkkk/status/1001627755736322048
- How are transactions feeless on EOSIO?
- DPOS Consensus Algorithm — The Missing White Paper
- Rewriting History: A Brief Introduction to Long Range Attacks
- EOS Is Coming, If Anyone Can Figure Out How to Vote
- Thomas Cox of Block.One Confirms Vote-Buying Will Be Against EOS.IO Proposed Constitution
- The EOS Mainnet Launch: A New Dawn
- «[EOS] team has already fixed most [bugs] and is hard at work with the remaining ones«
- This hacker made $120K in a week by finding bugs in EOS cryptocurrency
- Block.one bounty program — Hackerone
- The EOS mainnet nightmare: How not to launch a blockchain network
- https://twitter.com/el33th4xor/status/1005664183948664832
- https://twitter.com/ercwl/status/1005481866483372033
- DPOS BFT— Pipelined Byzantine Fault Tolerance
- ICOs are Cancer
- Making Sense of Web 3