- The Swiss Blockchain Winter School
- Compounding of Wealth in Proof-of-Stake Cryptocurrencies
- TxProbe: Discovering Bitcoin’s Network Topology Using Orphan Transactions
- You sank my battleship! A case study to evaluate state channels as a scaling solution for cryptocurrencies
- Master Workshop: State Channels
ББ-059: Александр Селезнёв о митапах в Берлине, конкуренте Ethereum и проблемах DApp’ов
ББ-058: Константин Ломашук о Satoshi.Fund, Golos.io и оценке блокчейн-проектов
ББ-057: Дмитрий Ховратович (ABDK, Evernym) о разработке хеш-функций и перспективах zero knowledge
- Брюс Шнайер — Прикладная криптография (pdf)
- Cryptographic competitions
- Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization
- The Design of Rijndael (pdf)
- Biclique Cryptanalysis of the Full AES
- Argon2 (slides)
- Security fraud in Europe’s «Quantum Manifesto»
- Password Hashing Competition
- New hash functions for Ethereum, SNARKs, and STARKs by Dmitry Khovratovich (Devcon4) [slides]
- State of the Art in Verifiable Computation
- Zether: Towards Privacy in a Smart Contract World
- Evernym
- Sovrin
ББ-056: Евгений Марченко (SmartDec) о баге в Constantinople, экономика атак 51% и уроки BitTorrent
- Security Alert: Ethereum Constantinople Postponement
- Constantinople enables new Reentrancy Attack
- Ethereum’s Constantinople Upgrade Faces Delay Due to Security Vulnerability
- What to Expect When ETH’s Expecting
- EIP-1283 Incident Report
- Fundamentals of Proof of Work
- Deep Chain Reorganization Detected on Ethereum Classic (ETC)
- Decentralized Disruption — Who Dares Wins? — Bittorrent Lessons for Crypto
- Against Intellectual Property
ББ-055: Владимир Заречнев, Михаил Заикин и Максим Стребков (Baking Bad) o Tezos
- Tezos
- Amending Tezos
- «There is no need for hard forks»
- Towards Futarchy in Tezos
- Liquid Proof-of-Stake
- Tezos Ecosystem Map v2.0
- The Michelson Language
- michelson-coq
- Why Tezsure is built on Tezos
- The politics of algorithms. | Arthur Breitman | TEDxSanFrancisco
- Tezos — Blockchain Power House
- Epicenter #255: Arthur Breitman & Kathleen Breitman
- Tezos 2018 Reflections & 2019 Excitement
ББ-054: Израильская блокчейн-школа: scalability, privacy, наследие distributed systems
ББ-053: Wallet.fail и критика Ethereum
ББ-052: Андрей Соболь (Pandorabox) о PoS, рандоме и экономике
- Satoshi Fund (spreadsheet)
- Pandora boxchain (Github)
- Truebit
- Golem
- Kaggle
- Ouroboros
- Micro drones killer arms robots
- Cyberc0n (Минск, 14 декабря)
- Randomness in PoS distributed networks
- Essentials of game theory [PDF]
- Game theory. Analysis of conflict
- Деньги, банковский кредит и экономические циклы [PDF]